
Nutmeg's obituary

On the 19th March 2003, and on the advice of our vet, Nutmeg died. She had an inoperable tumour which had spread so far that her lungs were not working properly and the kindest thing was to put her to sleep. She is now resting under her favourite tree at Fair View (the one by the gate -- the one she would run up in order to look down at visitors from above).

Nutmeg was originally Alastair and Carolyn's cat and after they emigrated  she eventually came to stay with us over at Rickham; where she became the "outdoors cat" because (at first) she wouldn't come in to the house. She was part of our family for just under 8 years. The pictures below show that eventually she came in, but she still preferred to sit on cars, and that she even came close to Dinky at times.

She is the cat many will remember for sitting in the middle of the road -- staring at cars to make them stop; or for catching a weasel and bringing it home; or for dealing with the local rat population; or for greeting visitors (and the postman) from the drive with her "eeek" noise -- the squeaky meow that accompanied a purr loud enough to be heard in Prawle. Last Saturday she was "helping" Lindsey tidy up the flower beds in her usual way.

Now the garden and our lives seem emptier. We will miss her.

Nutmeg's resting place



Just after planting

July 2003

Page updated 15/02/2012 17:16:00
Background Image from Alison Bradley